The Canadian Association of Black Journalists exists to give rise to Black journalists.

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The Latest from the CABJ

#CBCBlack Calls to Action

At the beginning of this year, both the Canadian Association of Black Journalists and Canadian Journalists of Colour released 'Calls to Action'. While they were initially ignored by establishment media, these calls now serve as a blueprint for progress within an industry fraught with systemic racism. Over the last several weeks, Black journalists across the industry have been raising their voices, calling for long-overdue change. There is much work to be done by every media outlet in Canada; leaders making promises today will be held accountable by the CABJ in the weeks, months and years to come.

Recently, through consultation with other Black employees at the CBC/Radio-Canada, #CBCBlack Calls to Action were released. In solidarity with the Black employees who created them, we are sharing these on our website. We encourage all industry leaders—at CBC/Radio-Canada and beyond—to read these calls, using them, in addition to the CABJ/CJOC calls to action, to identify gaps within current policies and programming. The CABJ stands ready to engage with media outlets committed to meaningful change and the eradication of systemic racism.